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What Is ‘Shock Loss’ After A Hair Transplant?
Hair Regrowth Aftercare Treatments


July 30, 2024

If you’ve recently had a hair transplant, or are considering one, you may have heard about the phenomenon known as "shock loss." It’s understandable to feel concerned if you experience this, but rest assured, shock loss is almost always temporary, and your hair will grow back.

Fortunately, Este Medical Group offers pre- and post-surgery scalp and hair treatments designed to mitigate this type of hair shedding and stimulate hair follicles into an active growth cycle again.

Does everyone get shock loss after hair transplant? The degree of shock hair loss varies among individuals, and many hair transplant recipients don't experience severe shock shedding at all.

Understanding Shock Hair Loss After Hair Transplants: What You Need to Know

What is Shock Loss Hair Loss?

Shock loss in hair transplant is a temporary shedding of hair that can occur after a hair graft procedure. This shedding can affect both the transplanted and existing hair around the transplant area. 

Hair transplant shock loss is a form of telogen effluvium caused by trauma or shock to the area in or around the hair transplant site. This hair loss is usually sudden and noticeable shortly after the initial shock, as the affected hair follicles are triggered into a resting phase.

Learn more about hair shedding: Hair Shedding Causes You Should Know About

Why Does Shock Loss Happen?

When hair follicles are transplanted, the scalp experiences a mild form of stress or shock. This type of surgical stress can trigger hair follicles into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, which naturally causes them to shed before regrowing again. While it might seem alarming, it’s important to remember that this is a normal part of a hair transplant healing process.

How Common Is Shock Loss After Hair Transplant & How Long Does It Last?

As mentioned, shock loss can happen to anyone, but for the most part, it is not a severe or permanent condition. The good news about shock loss is that it’s almost always temporary. 

The hair that falls out will eventually grow back as the follicles enter a new growth cycle. Regrowth can take several weeks to months, so patience is important within the first 3 to 5 months after a hair grafting surgery. 

Shock hair loss after transplant can also be connected to the ‘Ugly Duck’ phase of normal post-op hair regrowth, so it’s a good idea to learn more about what to expect after a hair transplant: What’s the ‘Ugly Duckling’ Phase Of Hair Transplant? 

How To Prevent Shock Loss After Hair Transplant: Supporting Hair Regrowth with Aftercare Treatments

To help stimulate hair follicles, support hair regrowth, and a robust hair growth cycle, consider the following:

  • Scalp Massage: Increases blood flow to the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth. Gently massage your scalp daily with your fingertips.
  • Minoxidil: A popular topical hair treatment known to stimulate hair growth. Apply as directed by your hair transplant surgeon.
  • PRP and PRF Therapy: This natural hair injection treatment uses your own blood’s platelets to promote hair growth and healing. Este Medical offers both PRF and PRP. 
  • Stem Cell Therapy: Another natural hair solution that promotes new hair growth as well as enhances the quality and thickness of existing hair. (See stem cell hair treatment)
  • Healthy Diet and Supplements: Invest in nutrients like biotin, zinc, and iron to support your hair health. Eat a balanced diet and drink a good amount of water to stay hydrated. 
  • Laser Hair Therapy: Low-level laser therapy will help stimulate hair follicles and promote regrowth. It is a non-invasive hair regrowth solution that has excellent results. 
  • Gentle At-Home Shampoo: Este Medical recommends using a anti-hair loss shampoo pre and post-transplant that contains restorative ingredients like keratin, folic acid, ginseng, niacin, biotin, Procapil, ginkgo, and provitamin B5.  

What Are My Chances Of No Shock Loss?

Your chances are pretty good! However, it’s a natural response to the trauma the scalp undergoes during surgery. Severe shock loss doesn’t happen to everyone who has a hair transplant. 

In many cases there is no shock loss after hair transplant, especially if you have prepared and nourished the scalp with Este Medical pre-transplant treatments, and followed your Turkey hair transplant with Este aftercare treatments to enhance and boost successful hair regrowth results.  

Choose Este Medical to Manage and Stop Shock Loss

Experiencing shock loss after a hair transplant can be worrying, but it’s important to stay calm and patient. Remember, this shedding is a temporary phase, and with time and proven aftercare, your hair will grow back. 

At Este Medical in Turkey, we’re here to support you through every step of your hair restoration journey, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools to achieve the best possible outcome. If you have any concerns or questions about shock loss or any other aspect of your hair transplant, reach out to us in a message. 

Schedule a complimentary consultation today to learn how we can help you achieve your hair restoration goals — no shocking surprises included!

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